Exploring the Internet space, you can repeatedly come across offers with seller accounts for sale on Amazon. However, buying it from unknown and dubious persons, you run the risk not only of not getting the account, but also of losing part of your money spent on it. Our company provides a number of guarantees on the complete safety of the purchase and the transfer of the seller's account to you and helps to sort out the account. We also give detailed instructions on how to proceed with your account on your own, so you can avoid getting blocked. Our company offers:
Providing a full package of documents that were used to pass the verification;
getting the money from the sales made only to your account (we do not have any access to your account, because we give it to you completely)
The ability to move the account to your company.
Buying on other sites, you can lose your money. We offer not only a secure transaction, but also advice on how to continue using your Amazon merchant account.